Widget for Travel and Business Networking


Convergence in a variety of application programs to be important to offer a variety of convenience for the user.Lotus Notes, a client-server output IBM Software Group, is now not only works to access email, calendar, or applications, but also added new features such as widgets and management of travel TripIt social network LinkedIn professional. Both applications now can be opened through a single sign-on screen from the Lotus Notes desktop.Lotus Notes collaboration software is first opened, which provides direct access from the desktop to LinkedIn and demonstrate the ability TripIt.Ini Lotus Notes in the wide field of Web collaboration, TripIt is an application for managing business travel, either alone or in groups.
By default, the application provides a map, directions and weather information, flight check-in, and options such as restaurants, shows, and other activities during the trip. This service makes it easy to share the business traveler itinerary mereka.Bukan not possible, make a schedule with the business of their professional network.
professional network can be accessed through LinkedIn, the online business network of 43 million business professionals in more than 200 country.with ability micromashup LinkedIn for a new Lotus Notes, users can access the network directly from the professionals is their desktop. Features offered include the flow of updates LinkedIn network, find people with one click, and access to see the profile LinkedIn Professional from Lotus Notes.
The latest version of Lotus Notes 8.5 transform "inbox" traditional workplace into a space that is integrated with the Customize Web 2.0, assembling the email, calendar, instant messaging, tools and office productivity applications that are displayed in a special one screen.

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