AMD launched the AMD Opteron processor EE 6-core processors with 40W power consumption ACP. Present performance per-watt 31 percent higher than the standard AMD Opteron processor 4-core.
AMD Opteron processor-core EE 6 is designed to meet the needs of customers who want performance, but also cut power consumption in server systems and reduce the need for electric power in the data center.
AMD processors offer a variety of electric energy-saving, is now available for approximately 15 processor server with power consumption is very low which can be selected.
"In our industry is very important to see how technology is used and where the customer needs," Patrick Patla, Vice President and General Manager, Server and Workstation Division.
All AMD processors with power consumption low which features complete and well equipped with features of AMD Virtualization (AMD-V) and AMD-P for the latest virtualization and power saving capabilities as the standard version.
"EE AMD Opteron processor enables OEMs to bring electric power saving on a server that does not compromise on power management, virtualization or performance features. It is specifically designed to help overcome the challenges of concern to various groups currently address the challenges of interest to various parties present in developing and running data centers for Web services, in other words carry a lot of things but still efficient electric power, "added Patrick.
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