Unfortunately, the answer is wrong. Because animal testicles size of the largest holders of record as compared to its body size is: Cricket bushcricket (Platycleis affinis).
As quoted by LiveScience, in Australia and America, cicada species is known also as the katydid. According to behavioral ecologist at the University of Derby UK Karim Vahed, cricket is in Southern Europe can be found in grassy areas.
According to the researchers, cicada species has a size of testicles are the size of about 14 percent of the total size of the body. As an illustration, the proportions of the body like that, when the cicadas have the body of an adult human being, then the expected testikelnya weighing 12.7 kg, or heavier than the weight of children a year.
The crickets at once subvert the largest testicles record, which is owned by fruit flies Drosophilla Bifurca, with testicles the size of 10.6 percent of the entire body.
However, with large testicles that are owned, does not mean that cricket is to produce more sperm during ejaculation, than other species that have smaller testicles.
Only, stamina owned bushcricket crickets are more 'good'. "The testes make male crickets can be better prepared to serve the desires of female crickets," said Vahed.
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