Scientists have created a top-secret substance that can absorb the power shots opponent or shrapnel. This substance will thicken and harden as the bullet touches the target.
British defense officials believe, this dress would be more lightweight, flexible, and offer greater protection to soldiers on the battlefield.
"Clothes liquid wars" High-tech is on display in a military conference in London, alongside a variety of gadgets a la James Bond.
What's the difference with regular armor?
The researchers have incorporated futuristic formula, which can thicken the liquid, between the sheets of Kevlar - a synthetic fiber material that bulletproof vests five times the strength of steel - to produce super armor.
Although called a liquid, molecules secret scientists who developed the form of custard-like, sort of pudding, which is relatively solid and liquid thicker than usual.
With this material, military experts say, heavy armor produced only half the normal weight vest,
that allows the soldiers to maneuver more freely. Currently, soldiers wearing heavy body armor made of ceramic plate and a layer of Kevlar. Besides weight, the clothes certainly uncomfortably hot war zones like Afghanistan that can reach 50 degrees Celsius.
This technology was developed by a team of scientists and security equipment company BAe Systems in Filton, Bristol.
The scientists tested the material superiority was by way of firing a bullet from a 9 millimeter caliber pistol to the 31 layers of Kevlar, compared with 10 layers of Kevlar combined with the super agent.
As a result, liquid protective clothing when exposed to the projectile, the impact was spread in the wider region. This will reduce the possibility of soldiers injured or killed by the force of a bullet because it is not concentrated in one small area.
Meanwhile, the traditional protective clothing has side effects: cause bruising, cracked ribs, and even damage to internal organs.
BAE Systems will develop these sophisticated armor that can withstand the power of the heavier weapons, including AK47 assault rifle used by the Taliban.
The manufacturers believe the army could use a new protective vest in two years. "There are quite a lot of capital from the Department of Defense. We hope this can be used immediately in the front line soldiers," said Nick Haigh, a spokesman for BAe Systems.
"Traditional protective Kevlar vest is very effective but too heavy and big. If we are able to reduce the heavy burden for the army, they will work more effectively."
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