Honeycomb is specifically intended for tablet devices that use a large screen and higher computing capability. But some analysts to assess the presence of Honeycomb will not necessarily change the map market.
"This (Honeycomb-red.) does little to shorten the gap. But there is nothing in it that will keep me in line," said analyst Colin Gilis of BCG, with references from the queues that occur when launching the iPad.
Android Apple still straddling the realm of the tablet. But Apple is not able to pursue Android in the smartphone market, which had just overthrown the most popular Symbian OS in the world.
Google's ambition to beat iPad tablet market will depend on support from the manufacture of Honeycomb, telecom operators and application developers makers. Google currently has more than 100 thousand applications for Android, still less with about 300 thousand applications for Apple's.
With the introduction of Honeycomb, the big vendors are expected to soon release a tablet-based OS 'beehive' is the latest in mid-2011. Motorola Xoom for example, will start shipping in the first quarter of this year.
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