P'9522 mobile phone BLACK


Looks like a Porsche sedan has not just become a symbol of one's material. Subsidiary German luxury car manufacturer, Porsche Design is currently marketing a mobile phone designed for Porsche owners.

Porsche Design P'9522 mobile phone BLACK, is the latest mobile phone series, launched in Singapore. Now, only 1600 units or the equivalent amount of Porsche owners who can buy the phone from an authorized distributor of vehicles, Stuttgart Auto, in state of the city
The cell phone companies created by the builder phone, Sagem Wireless, by combining an aluminum-coated material non-gloss black glass and minerals. Some features of the phone include a fingerprint sensor and user ontetifikasi. 1636 Dollar sells, the phone was worth about three times a Blackberry or an Iphone in Singapore.

The agents were hoping distributors strong demand for these products in the country and also the Asia Pacific, a region where Forbes billionaires witnessed an increase of 80 percent only in 2009.

"Brand Porsche Designs a good welcome in Asia, Russia and the Middle East. And the use of our products, especially mobile phones, high in Asia," said business director for the Brand Lab, Samy Redjeb. Brand Lab is the sole distributor of Porsche Design mobile phones in some Asian countries, including China and Singapore.

"In Europe, people used to buy phones that are subsidized by mobile carriers, but in Asia, people like to have something unique, they like to display the status by putting the phone on the table, which means' Look, I'm rich." Samy said.

Porsche Design is a global top brand targeting the adam as a major segment of the market. The company was founded in 1972 by Ferdinand Alexander Porsche, designer's iconic car, the Porsche 911.

In China, the brand is quite successful. Currently, there are dozens of Porsche showroom in the country. He predicted the demand in Singapore will didongkrak with two casinos - one had been opened - which he said would attract more wealthy tourists from Southeast Asia.

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