The presence of the virus 'Luna Maya' delivered Alfons Tanujaya, antivirus analysts from Vaksincom. This virus was detected as a Trojan by the name Suspicious_Gen2.LBTU by Norman Security Suite.
Adi Saputra antivirus analysts said some of the impact of viruses Vaksincom 'Luna Maya' is on victim computers: First, is the emergence of teasing for the fans in the form of a pornographic video Pop up window with the words' base! bokep brain ... '
Second, the symptoms of 'open-aperture' will be displayed by the computer. This form continues opening drive CD / DVD-ROM, although closed manually it will always be open again.
Third, the menu 'Start' in Windows will sway side to side, aka changing its position from the right side to left side. Obviously, said Adi, this would complicate the user when they use Windows.
The fourth symptom, function, click on the Mouse will change from left to right-click-click and vice versa. Any key on the keyboard will be affected by the action of the virus.
Still not enough, this virus also perform sabotage on certain Windows functions. Included among them is the Task Manager and the menu 'Run ..'. Computers can also be slow and even hangs abruptly due to the virus.
Following symptoms, the virus will create a dead function clock / time on Windows. Then, suddenly, the computer that a victim can die aka Shutdown without warning.
USB drives also fall victim to this virus by making it unreadable. If you try to open the USB drive, will emerge command to format the drive.
Viruses that spread via a file called 'Luna Maya' will also turn off some Windows applications. Including Notepad, Windows Media Player and Internet Explorer.
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