2014, Microsoft Support Stop IE6


Although it is already obsolete, says Microsoft still akan own browser supports Internet Explorer 6 (IE6) until the year 2014 coming. IE6 still keep claimed by the internet user. According to Net Applications, IE6 used as much 27.2 internet users to surf in the virtual world.
IE6 that was released since 2001, growing in line with the increase in piracy of Windows XP Developing countries such as Brazil and India. A number of users has urged Microsoft to stop IE6. Even a number of groups in the virtual world are campaigning for IE6 as soon as possible in order to disappear from circulation.
Microsoft itself has issued newest browser, IE8 since five days ago that is capable of supporting modern sites such as YouTube, Facebook.
Mashable, a site never to reveal the technology, discharge Hyper Text Mark-up Language 5 (HTML5) will make a lot of IE6 users might face the facts it is difficult to access some sites. HTML5 is a language program that will provide greater functionality

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