September, Crawl Game Sales Rise


After nearly six months has decreased drastically, the U.S. video game market finally showing progress in September.

But it seems to leap growth does not match that previously expected by analysts. Because even though gaming device sales are growing, but still not strong enough to push overall hardware sales figures from year to year.

Market analyst NPD Group reports that sales of gaming devices, software and gaming accessories increased by one percent compared to last year during the same period in September.

AP, Tuesday (20/10/2009) launch, total sales revenue gaming devices are now approximately USD1, 28 billion. For the first time since it was launched three years ago with a brilliant show Sony successful selling the PlayStation 3 unit sales exceeded gaming device Nintendo's Wii and Microsoft's Xbox 360.

"This situation is a strong representation that is displayed to the consumer price declines," said NPD Group analyst Anita Frazier, NPD saw PlayStation 3 sales performance.

Recognized by analysts Sony PS3 price decrease to some extent been able to contribute to improve the overall gaming device sales.

In August the past, Sony cut the PS3 price $ 100. Consumers seem to like the Sony decision and began wanting to buy a PS3. Seeing it, rival Microsoft and Nintendo followed the same steps. Xbox 360 price cut Microsoft's $ 100.

So it is with the Wii, for the first time since its launch in 2006, Nintendo decided to cut the price of $ 50 at the end of September. That is why, the average price of gaming devices in September and then dropped approximately eight percent.

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