White House site will Switch to Open Source


Programming that manages the white building site, the address at www.whitehouse.gov, plans switch to open source the code so the site can be viewed, developed and used by the public.

"We now turn to a technology that allows the government to get more and more votes for input to President Barack Obama. This is the art technology, and government participate in it," said White House Director of Media Macon Phillips, told the Sydney Morning Herald, Tuesday (27/10/2009).
White House officials described the changes are similar to rebuilding the foundations of a building without changing the path or the appearance. They also hoped to make the site more secure the White House, and the same thing could apply to other administrative sites in the future.

"Security is basically built into the development process because society consists of people who are scattered all over the world, and they view the source code from the beginning of the process to spread," said Terri Molini, the Open Source community of America.

Once the code is open, it might seem kerentananan security. But quite the contrary, experts inside and outside the government believed programmers working together to find a mistake or an opportunity to exploit the web code, which in turn is much more secure.

"We want to improve the equipment used for the arrival of thousands of people to WhiteHouse.gov, so they are involved with White House officials, and one another, in a meaningful way," said Phillips.

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