Ubuntu 11.04


Ubuntu Developer Summit in October 2010, Mark Shuttleworth announced Ubuntu 4.11 will be released with Unity as the default desktop environment. Although the use Unity, but the application that is added will continue to use Gnome-based applications. Just know that Unity is a desktop environment for Ubuntu Netbook Edition since version 10:10.

There are a lot of response to this news and of course the sharpest criticism came from the advanced users. The reason is simple, because Unity desktop shell is not quite friendly to users of advanced classes.

Unity is a desktop shell that only use one desktop with full-screen display. This is understandable because the Unity is a desktop shell for the netbook which has a mini-screen.

And for advanced users, the ability of Unity is much different from the Gnome in which the user can set the desired number of desktops. The number of desktops is the ability of more than one of the most desired by advanced users who usually use the computer for various things.

One of the most fundamental question is why Canonical chooses to make Unity rather than develop Gnome Shell? The most plausible reason in the world of programming is to code in a code jadul Gnome (the past).

And for programmers working with code jadul is suffering. When programmers work hard to add and refine old school code, in their minds hint: 'I can make better than this. "

Preparation of the Future?

But that's not what is said Shuttleworth. Ubuntu is a distro that puts the display as one of the foundations for known. And to make the look really interesting Ubuntu should change some things.

One idea Canonical to bring Ubuntu is a global menu that unfortunately rejected by the Gnome. And Ubuntu itself also refuses to use that Mutter presented by Gnome because of performance reasons and chose to use Compiz.

Shuttleworth also argues that multitouch is the future of technology is inevitable. And to prepare ourselves in the world of multitouch Unity is the right weapon that can be used by Linux, according to Shuttleworth.

What does Canonical is not new. There are many who have done this before Canonical. Intel's Moblin project, Nokia's Qt-based projects for smartphones, OLPC, OpenMoko, Novell, and of course the Android.

Did they all succeed? No, except for Android. Is this time Unity will gain success? Could be yes, may not.
Ubuntu currently has users in various parts of the world. Ranging from advanced users to end-users.

Advanced Users Will Escape?

Success for Canonical, of course, is not difficult to see how many Ubuntu users. Nevertheless, the switch from Gnome to Unity to end-users too easy. However, if Canonical is going to gain success it helps them learn from Android.

For end-users change from Gnome to Unity is not a complicated issue. Besides not much different from the Gnome, Unity is also much more interesting. So, relax.

Well, for these advanced users a fairly large effect. Unity is a product that is still far from perfect because it's still a baby as well as not enough to accommodate advanced users purposes.

So, the choice for advanced users is to change the desktop shell or switch distros. This world of open source, right?

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