Pop-ups Slow Computer Performance


Not only viruses, pop-up screen it can slow computer performance much worse.

Based on research from Cardiff University led by Dr Helen Hodgetts and Professor Dylan Jonen, although interruption of pop-ups that have only lasted a few seconds, but studies show that users lost more time to find tasks that are interrupted with a warning.

"The interruption would break the focus of cognitive tasks the user when working on the computer, so that should be planned before he resumes the normal speed," stated Hodgetss

Both researchers have been testing the value of the number of interruptions on-screen appearance and the amount of time to complete interruption seven-step computer tasks are still relatively simple. So that was launched Telegraph, Friday (11/12/2009).

For that, Hodgetts suggested that the arrival of email and message alert pop-ups can be made as small as possible and should not interfere with user activity.

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