Secret of Mona Lisa Smile


Who does not know the Mona Lisa by Leonardo Da Vinci? Almost all art penggagum fascinated with the secret behind Mona Lisa's smile. Now, a French scientist discovered the secret behind the legend of the painting.

According to scientists, the technique used by da Vinci called Sfumato. This technique provides an outline, contour and create the illusion of depth and shadow. The scientists found 30 layers of paint on a painting created by the maestro.

Contained in the paint layer, which is smaller than 40 micrometres, or about half the thickness of a human hair that becomes the standard of his work. Similarly quoted by the AP, Tuesday (20/07/2010).

The scientists conducted a study comparing seven paintings by da Vinci artificial stored in the Louve Museum in Paris, including one of the most famous, namely the Mona Lisa.

"Several layers of paint on another painting showing the artists sometimes use glazes," explained one scientist.

As is known, the Mona Lisa was made in 1503 is estimated. Women in the painting was allegedly named Lisa Gherardini, wife of Florentine merchant Francesco del Giocondo.

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