Apple: Smoking Can Ruin Laptop


Apple issued a statement that cigarettes are not only harmful to health but also bad for Apple computers.

A blog called Comsumerist the record and complaint behavior of consumers in the U.S. reported that Apple has refused to repair the two units of the Apple laptops because the device is contaminated by cigarette smoke.

"Two customers who came from two different countries that Applecare warranty claim because they burn their devices damaged by cigarette smoke," the spokesman was quoted as saying Comsumerist from Pocket-Lint, Monday (23/11/2009).

Apple replied to the second complaint and the laptop owner stated that cigarette smoke destroys their laptop warranty. Apple to categorize electronic devices contaminated hazardous substances or fumes as damage from pollution, bio-hazard. Unfortunately, Apple customers do not get warranty on the case of device damage due to bio-hazard.

According to experts, cigarette smoke can damage the laptop device because the tar content in cigarettes sticking and thicken over her laptop. Electronic devices are hot and will naturally attract dust and dirt around him. Meanwhile, cigarette smoke is the smoke of the worst and very dangerous because it is wet.

Cigarette smoke clinging to and covering the electronic devices will bring moisture to the device that is experiencing heat.

To prevent this, Apple recommends to use the water compress, cotton, and alcohol 70 or 90 percent of the time to clean computers.

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