Sony Develops Power Wireless Content


Pretty soon, you may not be bothered with the presence of wires in electronic devices. Because the giant electronics company from Japan, Sony, working on technology that enables electronic devices to operate without cables.

Technology is being worked out, would eliminate the maximum use of electronic cable for pirantik household, such as television. For now, Sony, focusing on wireless energy transfer 60 watts of power at a distance of 50 cm.

That technology-based system adapted magnetic resonance. With the air medium as a medium, the electromagnetic energy produced would be encoded in a tool capable of identifying the resonance frequency as a source of energy.

For starters, only tool that has a frequency coding alone can accept the transfer of energy. But it's not possible, all devices can apply these technologies.

Based on the information the Sony, as quoted from DCViews.COM, Last weekend, the advantages of this technology can efficiently transfer more energy than through cable maximum. According to information from the Sony, the maximum rate of energy transfer efficiency ranged between 60% -80%.

In addition, although metal-based tools in the energy transmission between the sender and receiver of energy, the sony claimed there would be no heat effects.

Besides working on non-energy transfer technology to the electronic device cable, Sony also developed a technology based High Frekuency Radio (RF). This technology, later used in every communication via non-cable and broadcast products at high speed and maximum efficiency.

The combination of two arable Sony expected to increase the efficiency of energy transfer up to 60%. Sony also plans to increase the coverage of energy transfer which was originally only reached 50 cm to 80 cm without any decrease in efficiency.

Thus, for producers to minimize the use of electronic cables and save production costs.

Via cable technology is now gradually shifting to a system of non-cable communication via wifi kinds. If most of the tools are no longer using the cable, intriguing questions came. How the fate of the cable manufacturer?.

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