Microsoft Provide Win7 Installers


You might like us. Got a netbook, but it did not get to complete it with an external optical drive that must be purchased alone. So when will install new software, including Windows 7, you must have trouble. For the average software and programs come in the form of CD / DVD. While that is available on your netbook is a USB port, which can accept a USB flash drive.

Fortunately, Microsoft realized the problem affecting this netbook owners. So Microsoft also provides Windows 7 USB / DVD Download Tool. These tools let Adna took the ISO image to your installation of Windows 7, and turn it into a flash drive image can be booted.
Once you do this, you must modify the BIOS netbook. This first order is the order of booting a USB flash disk, not the hard drive. Kok simple process.

To remember, according to the Microsoft site, this is not a general tool to change any ISO into a bootable flash drive image. We have not tried it myself, but according to Microsoft's device can only be used with Windows 7 ISO.

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