Nokia sue Apple, iPhone accused of Violating Patents


Nokia sued Apple for patent infringement allegations in the iPhone smartphone device. The world's largest mobile phone maker's menengarai iPhone devices manufactured since 2007 have used ten patents without permission.

These patents, according a press release relating to the technology base for a device can work in a variety of technology standards such as GSM, UMTS, and wireless LAN. In addition, other patents related to wireless data transfer, speech coding, security, and data encryption.
Explanation for patent infringement lawsuit has not been disclosed in detail by Nokia. However, pointing to Apple's bottom line Nokia used technology standards without providing compensation continental.

"By ignoring the relevant rules of copyright Nokia, Apple has tried to use the innovation without paying for Nokia," said Ilkka Rahnasto, vice president for legal affairs and Copyright Nokia.

Nokia and Apple had accused violating the same patent in the use of 3G technology. But Nokia has to resolve the issue through the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) in August. While Apple was forced to sign a license with InterDigital as a plaintiff on these patents since 2007.

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