Sony EyePet


You are an animal lover but did not bother with delinquency or dirt that may be generated at home? New toy from Sony, EyePet, could be a solution. EyePet is a virtual toy monkey could be invited to interact like a real pet.

What is its uniqueness? If you experience playing Tamagotchi, the virtual version of EyePet is. You can play, take care with feeding or washing the fur with shampoo.

To play a necessary EyePet Camcoder for players to recognize hand gestures. Then, there was some sort of motion-sensitive controller to play it. In the playroom, EyePet just need a place to play is not too bright.

"A lot of things you can teach EyePet. EyePet surely attract everyone who saw it, then play with her and your family at home. When given a touch he would jump if startled it will EyePet rolling their own, or if kelitiki the EyePet would laugh, "said the spokesman Talk Sony was quoted as saying The Telegraph, Friday (23/10) local time.

EyePet view is not exactly like a monkey but tend to like dogs and cats, but still funny with movement behavior that reacts with the sound, touch and be able to recognize objects like toys that you often see in stores. You will truly be entertained.

You would never imagine, once you are so content to play Tamagotchi in the form of mini-console. Now, you can play with a wider scale, more sophisticated and nearly real.

EyePet itself on selling for £ 34.99. While sold separately camcodernya priced £ 19.99.

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