Patent broken Nokia, Apple could Fined $ 1 Million


Nokia against Apple's claims of copyright customers seem to have lasted a long time. Nokia claims to have reprimanded Apple some time ago, except that Apple did not respond.

"Nokia reported that they had been reprimanded Apple in recent months hoping to be settled between ourselves. Unfortunately Apple does not heed the warning that the company Siemens was entitled to protect patent rights that have been issued," said Pund-IT analyst Charles King, as quoted from eWeek, Monday (23/10/2009).
According to King, if Nokia has the right to get two percent of each unit of the iPhone that the company sold an average $ 12. That means, compensation for these violations received from Apple worth Nokia USD400 million.

Nokia feel very lost if you let Apple keep using their technology without paying a continental. Even so unfair if only Apple is not disturbed. The reason for making these technologies, for the later patent, Nokia must be willing to spend approximately $ 60 billion over a period of 20 years, only to support research and development activities.

Of that number, Nokia has delivered approximately 10,000 patents. Even the technology-patented technology has been used by approximately 40 companies, by not forgetting to pay the patent license.

Unfortunately, Apple only addicted using Nokia patents are free. No less than 10 patents have been misused Apple, which is associated with wireless data, encoding the conversation, security and encryption.

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