Canon Complete New HD Camcorders


Canon Camcorders again strengthen the ranks of high quality Defintion (HD) with the launch of two new series, which is Legria HFS11 Canon HF21 and Legria.

Two brand-new Canon Camcorders are aimed at users who are familiar with recording equipment and lighting conditions are uncertain. In Legria HFS11 and pinned HF21 night scene mode feature, which can improve the recorded image at night and light conditions that contrast.
Claimed by Canon, taking pictures at night in the street atmosphere, then the result looks street lamp, neon billboards, or the building does not look too over-exposed.

"We prefer to call this feature as a smart night scene. Because, unlike other competitors who only reduce black and white only," explained Marketing Executive Canon Yase Division, the launch of the products, in Soho Restaurant, Jakarta, Thursday (19/11 / 2009).

"The technology itself is a technology adopted from the Canon EOS," he added.

In addition, the video features an existing snapshot of the previous generation back Legira buried in these two series Camcorders. This feature allows video recording 4 seconds before the 'play' button.

Which interestingly, the capacity of the enlarged Camcoder with dual flash technology, which can instill memeroy internal flash for 64 GB. Record longer became increasingly easier.

"We are also buried Dynamic features OIS, which makes long-range shooting more focused and stable. Because of this technology makes a broader lens to move," he said.

On price, Canon set prices draining enough pockets. To Legria HFS11 valued $ 2000 and $ 1500 set HF21

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