'What's Happening?'


"What's Happening?" yag's a question that is now listed on the site mikroblogging Twitter. No longer a 'what are you doing?'.

In his latest blog posting on Friday (20/11/2009), Twitter co-founder Biz Stone announced a change in the tag since Thursday (20/11/2009) yesterday.

"So far we think Twitter could be a good medium to inform the current status of one's personal life. But then, over time, Twitter users start to ignore the question 'what are you doing' and fill it with updating the latest events," says Stone .

Therefore, continued Stone, the question 'what are you doing' no longer an appropriate sentence again asked for the visitors Twitter. So start now, Stone changed the question becomes 'what's happening'.

However, Stone hopes, change the question can not be helped change the way the visitors using Twitter. All this is done only Stone to make the link between post-posting on Twitter with the tag.

Twitter, which allows its users to post status with a capacity of 140 characters, has evolved rapidly. Since its launch in August 2006, now Twitter has had tens of millions of users.

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