Can Facebook Indemnification 711.2 Million U.S. Dollars


Case brought to court last February. Facebook complain when it is pointed at Sanford Wallace has access Facebook account people without permission and sent Wall post and fake messages.

Today the case was settled in court with the winner Facebook. Wallace was ordered to pay damages of U.S. $ 711.2 million to Facebook. Unfortunately, Wallace does not have that much money. "We do not expect to receive a very large number, but hopes that this will be a continuous barrier against the criminal is," writes Sam O'Rourke in a blog post Facebook.
"What is clear, judge Wallace refers to the U.S. attorney's office with a request that Wallace was sentenced for criminal action, which means he now may face a prison sentence. This is another important victory in our war against the span, we will pursue other spammers."

This is not the first time Facebook memejahijaukan spammers. Last November, Facebook wins U.S. $ 873 million when run in Adam Guerbuez and Atlantis Blue Capital for sending messages skewed to the Facebook users and made web sites phishing for logins and addresses e-mail Facebook. Until now, Facebook is still trying to get money indemnity.

To guard against the next spam tantrums, Facebook is now soliciting input from users of the new privacy policy. Comments of the members wait until November 5. These changes include clarification of the privacy settings, and the difference between deactivating, depeting and memorialising account.

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